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Infallibility x Trustworthiness

Updated: Jun 9, 2022

When I hear the word INFALLIBILITY my mind only connects it with God who is the only being that I imagine could hold that adjective properly.

Howver, many of us expect that the persons and companies that we deal with on our daily lives are also infallible. Is that a fair expectation to hold? Are others also expecting us to be infallible?

As you would probalby agree that we can hold God as infalible, let's take a brief overview of the stories told in the Bible and we will notice that even an infallible God had to rely on fallible humans for His work.

We can read in the stories of Abraham, Moses, David and Peter, just to mention some names, that all these men were not infallible but God didnt'reject them despite their flaws. Why not?

Abraham lied a couple of times, Moses failed to follow God's instructions, David committed a terrible crime and Peter denied Jesus in a crucial moment of His life.

They all failed at some point, but God had a relationship with them and knew that even though they were not infallible, they were trustworthy, and they were willing to learn from their mistakes.

The Merriam-Webster defines "trustworthy" as "dependable, reliable, responsible, trustable", and here is something that we shall consider in our relationships: Trustworthiness, not infallibility!

In many years of professional and personal experience, I've learned that this is absolutely true.

It doesn't matter how much effort we make to reach perfection, there is always something wrong or something that could be improved.

If a mistake happens, let's not focus on "infallibility" but on "trustworthiness".

If the person or company that makes the mistake is trustworthy, that mistake will be corrected, and a lesson will be learned to avoid it in the future.

If we simply try to reject people in our lives that makes mistakes, we will end up discovering that the next person that we choose wll also make mistakes and we will disappointed again.

Find people and companies that are trustwortjy and cultivate the relationship. You will grow togehter, will mitigate the mistakes, will learn from it and will find out that each day will be a better day.

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